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Financial Wellness & Debit. Strengthening Credit Unions & Empowering Families

Financial Wellness & Debit. Strengthening Credit Unions & Empowering Families

Explore how innovative debit programs can benefit both credit unions and their members to achieve financial goals.

The Impact of Rising Debit Card Fraud and How to Defend Against It
MaryAnne Colucci, Director, Fraud & Risk •

The Impact of Rising Debit Card Fraud and How to Defend Against It

The impact of compromised cards and the resulting fraud can be significant for both credit unions and their members. Taking a closer look at the trending tactics for collecting card information and using it for fraud attacks can help credit unions take more effective, proactive steps to guard against it.

Liquidity & The Incremental Cost of Borrowing
McQueen Financial Advisors •

Liquidity & The Incremental Cost of Borrowing

Unlocking the Power of Debit Cards: Effective Marketing Strategies for Credit Unions
Phil Seely, AVP, Customer Service & Portfolio Development •

Unlocking the Power of Debit Cards: Effective Marketing Strategies for Credit Unions

Advantages of a Credit Union Debit Program
Anthony Mondello, AVP, Sales •

Advantages of a Credit Union Debit Program

The popularity of debit cards presents an opportunity for credit unions to build member loyalty and improve their revenue growth by either offering a debit program or finding ways to enhance their current programs to better fit member needs and expectations. 

3 Important Reasons to Offer a Credit Card to Members
Envisant Staff •

3 Important Reasons to Offer a Credit Card to Members

The reputation built by credit unions as not-for-profit financial institutions is an important one with a great deal of significance. It means credit union members trust they will be viewed as individuals, receiving personalized services focused on their needs. To meet these expectations, a full range of financial services is required. One of the most important of these services is a credit card program designed to support members’ financial goals.